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‘Value Beyond Money’ by Diana Finch

9781912092307 Value Beyond Money: An Exploration of The Bristol Pound and The Building Blocks for An Alternative Economic System “In this

‘Ellie and Sapiens’ by Alan Oberman

9781912092390 School student Ellie is kind-hearted and intelligent but impulsive. She’s anxious about the future of the planet, so when

‘When Wealth Dissipated Like Morning Dew’ by Ndaba Sibanda

9781912092444 A strongly expressed plea has been issued… Dynamic and diverse as life is, a human being can be viewed

‘Tangled Yet Coiled’ by Tom Burgess

9781912092192 Phrases like ‘climate emergency’ and ‘ecological breakdown’ are not going away; they highlight a reality. Not only a potential

‘Climate Adaptation: Accounts of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency and Systems Change’

9781912092123 Released 25th October 2021 Where is the world really heading, and what can we do about it? This book,

‘Great Adaptations’ by Morgan Phillips

9781912092147 Released 14th September 2021 Climate change adaptation. A hope-fuelled necessity on the road to a transformed world – or